Last May, I went back to Jakarta, the capital city of my home country Indonesia for the first time in eleven years. I was surprised to see the amazing development
Eco-friendly Eid Celebration
Category: Close to Nature, Green Idea, Info
Eid Mubarak!Happy Eid!Selamat Idul Fitri!Eid al-Fitr is a major holiday in Indonesia, the largest Muslim-majority country in the world which is located in Southeast Asia. Many Indonesians are still preparing
Happy Earth Day!
Category: Close to Nature, Green Idea
Do you love our Earth?I do! I love our Earth because it is an endless, unlimited sources of knowledge and awesomeness! Our holy book, Al-Quran has many verses that remind
URGENT: Support a Comprehensive Climate and Equitable Jobs Bill in Illinois! On Sept. 1, the Illinois Senate passed an energy bill, SB18 that would put the state on a path
Last December 2020, WTTW reported that Rose was spotted in Florida with her offspring named Nish. The other two, Hazel and Esperanza, turned up on the islands off the Georgia