Caroline Williams, CMGT Tree Ambassador Program Manager and Raed Mansour, Director of Environmental Innovation Chicago Dept of Health were interviewed by CBS2 News on June 20,2024. We visited the neighborhood around Masjid Al Farooq (MAF) in the South Side Chicago where we organized multiple Tree Ambassador training, canvassing, requesting tree planting to the City. CMGT greatly appreciates MAF who has been a supportive partner since the beginning. Click HERE to read and watch the CBS2 report.

It was a great Tree Ambassadors (TA) training on November 3 in the Humboldt Park neighborhood organized by CMGT, led by Trainer Ela, attended by Melinda from CRTI Tree Ambassador Program to share updates on technical aspects of the CHI311 App and our TA program achievements. From this training, we contributed 20 tree requests on 14 lots.

CMGT table to promote Tree Ambassador Training at the Backward River Festival
CMGT was invited to have a table at Backward River Festival: Damen Silo City on June 8 at the Canalport Riverwalk Park organized by UIC Freshwater Lab. At the table, CMGT presented a poster of Tree Ambassador Training to increase awareness about Tree Equity and Environmental Justice issues in the City of Chicago.
Our motivation & inspiration

what we do
CMGT is a member of Chicago Community Tree Equity Working Group to support OUR ROOTS CHICAGO PROJECT.
In partnership with the CRTI Morton Arboretum and the City of Chicago, CMGT will lead a Tree Equity initiative within the Muslim community in Chicago to increase the number of trees in neighborhoods with low tree canopy coverage.
Our goal is to work with Islamic centers, mosques and the greater communities in areas with low tree canopy to recruit local volunteers to be members of our Tree Ambassadors (TA) Program.

Tree Ambassadors Field Day with CRTI
On July 19, 2023, Tree Ambassadors (TA) from CMGT, Masjid (mosque) Al Farooq, Imani Village, Faith in Place accompanied by experts from CRTI Morton Arboretum and the City Forestry joined forces to do TA Field Day in the Calumet Heights neighborhood where the mosque is located. Click HERE to read more about it.

Sponsors & Partners

On November 3, 2022, CMGT and Faith in Place collaborated to host a webinar on “Tree Equity and Environmental Justice in Chicago,” where TA Program Manager, Sara Hou shared faith-based perspective on the importance of tree and reasons we focus our Tree Planting Programs in low tree canopy neighborhoods in Chicago.
On October 15, 2022, CMGT Tree Ambassadors Sara and Caroline presented a speech on Tree Planting and Environmental Justice issue at an event hosted by Sacred Roots community in Pilsen neighborhood.

CMGT Tree Ambassadors Sara, Caroline, Marya attended and delivered a speech and presentation at the 59th ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) Convention at the Environmental Session and Interfaith Banquet on September 3 and 4, 2022.

Tree Ambassadors Training
On Saturday, July 16, 2022, Chicago Muslims Green Team (CMGT) and El Paseo Community Garden hosted the Tree Ambassador Training in Pilsen neighborhood to support the City’s Our Roots Chicago Project. Click HERE to read more about it.

PROGRAM Activities
- CMGT organizes and participates in trainings for tree advocacy and community engagement.
- CMGT advocates to community members, neighbors, and others for tree protection and preservation.
- CMGT passes the City of Chicago requirements to utilize the City of Chicago 311 Tree Request system.
- CMGT identifies 100 tree planting locations. All trees will be planted by the City of Chicago.
- CMGT organizes a minimum of 6 community workshops or events that teach the value and benefits of trees.
- CMGT completes quarterly and annual reports to the CRTI (Chicago Region Tree Initiative).
Priority AREAS

The data shows certain neighborhoods in Chicago with low tree canopy. Our priority areas are:
- West Lawn
- West Garfield Park
- Fuller Park
- North Lawndale
- East Garfield Park
- Chicago Lawn
- Riverdale
- Englewood
- Oakland
- West Englewood
- Armour Square
- Austin
- Washington Park
- Auburn Gresham
- Greater Grand Crossing
- Archer Heights
- Humboldt Park
- West Elsdon
- Gage Park
- Brighton Park
- New City
- South Lawndale
Source: University of Chicago, “What is tree equity? A new tool from UChicago data scientists is helping to transform neighborhood health.” Link:
tree ambassador (TA)
1. Attend 1 hour training (in-person or online)
Learning about the program, the benefits of trees, tips to engage with residents, how to use the CHI311 App to request trees.
2. Go out in the field (at least for 1.5 hour)
Canvas neighborhoods in priority areas for possible planting sites, confirm interest from residents, and identify sites that are pre-approved for tree planting.
3. Engage with the communities
Starting open conversations is as important as submitting a request! Have conversations with residents and encourage residents to spread the word in their communities!
4. Submit tree requests
Submit viable tree locations. Use your training manual to assess potential sites, ensure that they are viable, and accurately submit the request through the CHI311 App.
There’s no question about how much you will be impacting your community and the environment by taking on this role, but it’s also important to know what YOU will get out of being a Tree Ambassador (TA).
1. Leadership
As a Tree Ambassador, you’ll gain valuable leadership skills and community organizing skills.
2. Funding
Partner organization receives funding to support the Tree Ambassador program. The Chicago Muslims Green Team offers incentives for our TA. For more info please click the “Incentives for TA” drop down menu below.
3. Celebration
At the end of the year, there will be a part to celebrate you and all your achievements as an ambassador. Outstanding TAs will also receive certificates and letter of recommendation (upon request) from the Chicago Muslims Green Team.
4. Community
You’ll have the opportunity to meet and get to know your community and help shape its character.
5. Movement
As a Tree Ambassador, you’re a part of a mission larger than yourself, working towards the greater good.
The Chicago Muslims Green Team (CMGT) offers incentive up to $100 for each TA.
A $100 incentive is given after TA performing these 2 tasks:
1. Attending the TA training from start to finish
2. Request a tree to the City using CMGT account on CHI311 App during or after the training
The incentive is given via check or Paypal.
The Tree Ambassadors can also develop their own materials (e.g., marketing, workshops, conversations, storytelling to residents, etc.) with community organizations and the City supporting them as needed.
Community organizations, and the City will together evaluate progress and performance in tree plantings in priority community areas.
Tree Ambassadors are not trained on tree planting or care, identification, or tree biology, although all are very important. We highly recommend Tree Ambassadors to learn more about becoming an Openlands’ TreeKeeper.
If you have any question/comment/suggestion, please contact: the 2024 Tree Ambassador Program Manager, Caroline Williams at
Thank you!