Listen to Our Youth!

There are so many ways to make our world a better place. Here is the clip of proposed solutions to the environmental issues presented by our youth (10th to 12th grade) participants of the Courage Project led by Dr. Rohany Nayan.


What is Courage?

By Amira Shakir
2021-2022 The Courage Project Participant

When many people think of the word “courage”, they think of fearlessness. In actuality, it is the opposite. Courage can not exist without fear. According to Google’s definition, courage is “the ability to do something that frightens one”. A person must face and persevere through a hardship of some sort to have courage.

As all things are, the word itself and the experiences associated with it are generally subjective. An action thought of as simple for one person may be terrifying for another. Although they may be executing the same action or task, the level of difficulty varies between the individuals.

Considering this, everyone experiences courage in one way or another no matter how simple or startling the issue at hand is from someone else’s perspective. The world wouldn’t be what it is today without courage or the will to try. Many well-known leaders and celebrities would not have made an impact on the world if it weren’t for the courage to take the first step. This is something that each of us is able to obtain. But we first must be willing to try.

Any courageous act, no matter how small will slowly but surely make this world a better place. There are numerous issues with the environment and the world is dying. Unfortunately, many people are standing idle and ignoring the matter. Not to say that repairing the earth is an easy problem to overcome. It takes a great deal of courage to stand apart from everyone else and make a difference.

We as a human race should all come together and find the courage to restore the earth. There will be times where we feel hopeless when we don’t see the change or results that we want. Despite this, we must muster courage and persevere.

Ilustration. Source:

The opposite of courage is cowardice: “lack of courage in the face of danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc”. If we are frightened of the issues in the world and abandon them completely, things will only get worse.

Imagine where the world’s most influential people would be if they were too scared to speak up. There will always be hardships and scary obstacles that we all must face as human beings. We must muster the courage to surmount this and excel. As Marl Manson states, “Bravery is not the absence of fear. Bravery is feeling the fear, the doubt, the insecurity, and deciding that something else is more important”.

“He is the One Who smoothed out the earth for you, so move about in its regions and eat from His provisions. And to Him is the resurrection ˹of all˺.”

Al-Quran, 67:15

“Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “He is the One Who brought you into being and gave you hearing, sight, and intellect. ˹Yet˺ you hardly give any thanks.”

Al-Quran, 67:23

We are very blessed with many things. The earth itself is a gift to us and we should take care of it. Unfortunately, many of us do not use our ears, eyes, hearts and minds to help take care of it. We should muster the courage to help other people aware of the environmental crisis.

By the will of Allah, the earth has given us everything and asks for vey little in return, yet we abuse it. We can express thankfulness by doing our part to help the world.

Also read a Poem on Courage by Nusayba Abdullah, “Nothing Good Comes Easy.

Welcome our new Board Members and Officers!


Chicago Muslims Green Team (CMGT) is grateful to receive ongoing support from our Board of Directors. In 2022, CMGT welcomed four new Board Members and elected our new Board Officers for 2023 as follows:

  • President: Mohammed Faheem
  • Secretary: Joko Supriyanto
  • Treasurer: Fred Williams

The full list of our Board of Directors can be found on “Our Team” webpage.

As a young nonprofit organization, CMGT depends on a strong Board of Directors to provide the guidelines and evaluations, to strengthen the foundation of the organization, and to expand our networks. CMGT is blessed to have Board members from diverse background with different cultures, knowledge, and skills.

Here are pictures of activities from our Board members:

Meet and Greet with the Illinois Governor

Board of Directors Rayda Edding and Mohammed Faheem represented CMGT at the event on September 27, 2022 at Bridgeview Community Center organized by CIOGC (Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago).

Source: Mohammed Faheem

Click HERE to view the video from the event.

Source: Rayda Edding

Faith for a Just Energy Transition

Board of Director Nana Firman who is also a representative from GreenFaith and ISNA Green Initiative gave a speech at an International webinar of Faith for a Just Energy Transition on September 28, 2022. The event is co-hosted by GreenFaith, the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, and the Laudato Si Movement.

Source: Nana Firman

At the event, religious leaders worked together to demand a Non-Proliferation Treaty on fossil fuels and created an interfaith letter to be sent and released to the governments and financial institutions.

For more info, please click HERE to read an article and HERE to watch the video recording of the event. 

Source: MyJoyOnline

Tree Equity: Chicago is Going Greener

Since 2021, Chicago Muslims Green Team (CMGT) has been an active member of the Community Tree Equity Working Group in supporting Our Roots Chicago, the City of Chicago’s tree equity program.

Our common goal is to expand the tree canopy coverage through an equitable approach. In simpler words, we want this Chicago map to go all green.

Tree Canopy Coverage Percentage By Census Tract. Source:

We want every neighborhood in the City to reap the benefits of trees. Trees provide shade for our home from the sun and blocking winter winds. Trees improve air quality, absorb water, thus help to prevent flood. Trees promote physical activities, increase walking traffic, and bring communities together. Trees reduce stress and anxiety. Trees also help to repair urban biodiversity. In conclusion, trees help to lower our energy bills, increase our property values, and improve the quality of life in our neighborhood.


The City of Chicago has a goal to plant 75,000 new trees in neighborhoods with low tree canopy. The City also has developed CHI311 App for anyone who wants to get involved.

Tree Equity Working Group Year-End Report. Source: Raed Mansour

However, it is still not an easy task without the support from community members. It would be a waste of tax payers’ money if the trees end up dying due to lack of water, being ignored, or vandalized by people who reject trees around their properties or in their neighborhood.

From 2021-2022, CMGT has been educating ourselves, spreading awareness to our diverse communities, connecting to other organizations by attending and organizing trainings, hosting webinar, giving talks at events, and attending tree planting events. Here is the clip to see our activities.

2021-2022 Tree Planting Program activities

In 2023-2024, CMGT is grateful to be one of seven organizations who receives the Resilience Grant to expand our Tree Planting Program. Under the guidance of CRTI (Chicago Region Trees Initiative) Morton Arboretum we believe that together we could achieve our specific goals in greening our beloved city and spreading the benefits of trees to our diverse communities in Chicago this year. InshaAllah!

The Resilient Grant Kickoff event on December 13, 2022. Source: Caroline

Want to help make a big impact during this Climate emergency?

URGENT: Support a Comprehensive Climate and Equitable Jobs Bill in Illinois!

  • On Sept. 3, member of the House, Rep. Ann Williams filed the SB1751, House Amendment 1 to improve SB18 by requiring a 45% reduction in carbon emissions for the coal plant by 2035. This amendment is supported by the Governor and Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition.

  • If the House passes a bill with the amendment, it will have to go back to the Senate for consideration. Let’s urge our legislators to pass the comprehensive clean energy bill to be signed into a law by the Governor.

Sign one of the petitions below or call your representatives:

To call your representatives, use one of the petitions above as the talking point. For example, this one from Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition:

As a constituent, I’m urging you to support the comprehensive climate and equitable jobs bill SB1751, House Amendment 1. 

In keeping with climate science, this bill not only puts Illinois on a path to a 100% clean energy future, but also achieves meaningful emissions reductions in the near term, including from our state’s largest polluter and the 7th worst polluter in the nation, the Prairie State coal plant. 

It creates good-paying jobs and wealth for working families in every part of Illinois, especially Black and Brown communities, which are often the first to suffer negative consequences of pollution but the last to reap the health and economic benefits of a clean energy future. 

And, it holds utilities accountable and ends the automatic, formula rate hikes that have burdened consumers for too long.

Inaction isn’t an option. Please help get this bill across the finish line.

Welcome our new CEO!

The Chicago Muslims Green Team is excited to announce and welcome Dr. Rohany Nayan as our new Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Dr. Nayan has over two decades of experience as an educator and administrator. Her love for education, community work, and social and environmental justice led her to initially volunteer at CMGT as the Education Coordinator. In this role, she actively designed educational programs and provided professional development as needed. When asked to comment, Dr. Nayan said, “It is a great honor to be asked to lead CMGT in this position, and with gratitude and humility I accept the offer. I look forward to working with the wonderful, inspirational and dedicated CMGT’s team, and realize my beloved mother’s precious advice to me ~ Always leave a place better than you found it. We know that changes do not happen over night. As a Malay saying goes – Sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit (a little bit at a time builds a great mountain).”

Currently as the CEO, Dr. Nayan is focusing on nurturing and growing the vision of CMGT, especially in raising awareness of and planting the seeds for a more mindful, eco-friendly lifestyle based on Islamic principles in the Muslim community and the larger society at large. Dr. Nayan holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Literacy Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She also holds a master’s degree in Language Education (TESL) and a bachelor’s degree in English Education (ESL) from the Indiana University-Bloomington. Her work focuses on minority and immigrant families, and their children’s experiences in their adopted country and how the interwoven issues of culture, language, and meaning-making act upon their identity and literacy development. Her work has appeared in several academic volumes.

Dr. Nayan describes herself as an “accidental immigrant” who came to the U.S. to study, but ended up making it her home. In her free time, she enjoys being a foodie who loves diverse cuisines. She also loves reading, studying languages and making paper arts and crafts (e.g., origami and kirigami). She is passionate about building bridges across communities by developing interfaith dialogues and collecting resources especially on Islam, diverse cultures, literacy development and researching cross-cultural awareness. Currently, her immediate goals in life include being more mindful in her choices and lessening her carbon footprint on Earth by adjusting her lifestyle and daily habits. She can be reached via email at: