Green Living

Photos Courtesy of Canva


Our appliances and electronics provide us with constant convenience. It’s hard to imagine a life without our electricity-dependence. However, energy is a finite resource and contributes to increased carbon emissions. To reduce the impact of our carbon footprint, we can unplug electronics and appliances we don’t need to use constantly and ones that drain energy through their standby modes (e.g., computer monitors, printers, microwaves, coffee machines, TVs, etc.).

Overflow Action Days

We all know how flooded our roads and basements can get during the winter and spring weather events, but did you know that your shower/bath time might be adding to the problem? The combined sewer system we have in the Chicago region can reach full capacity during these weather events and consequently release untreated wastewater into our rivers. Don’t let your shower or bath exacerbate the problem! Sign up for Overflow Action Day Alerts for reminders or plan ahead so you’re ready for the next storm.

Recycle Plastics With TerraCycle

TerraCycle is a social enterprise in the U.S. that creates campaigns and solutions for consumer products/packaging that are difficult to recycle. They have a streamlined approach and multiple partnerships that allow them to reuse, upcycle, or recycle your waste and give it new life. Here is more information on their process and the products you can recycle through their programs.